The David Ross Education Trust

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Falconer's Hill Academy

Falconer's Hill Academy is a co-educational school catering for children between ages 7 & 11.


Falconer's Hill Academy is a Junior School for children aged 7 - 11.

Details for how to apply are below and on the Northamptonshire council website.

Parents resident in other areas must apply through their home local authority (LA). FALCONER’S HILL ACADEMY will use Northamptonshire’s timetable published online for these applications and Northamptonshire will make the offers of places as required by the School Admissions Code.

Published Admission Number (PAN)

The PAN for Year 3 is 60.  If there are fewer applicants than places available all applicants will be admitted.

Special Educational Needs

Any child with a Statement of Special Educational Needs or Education, Health and Care Plan that names the academy will be admitted.

Oversubscription Criteria

If there are more applications than places available we will apply the oversubscription criteria listed below:

  1. Looked after children and previously looked after children.  A 'looked after child' is a child who is (a) in the care of a local authority, or (b) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions (see the definition in Section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989) at the time of making an application to a school.  Previously looked after children are children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a child arrangements order or special guardianship order).
  2. A child with a sibling on roll at the time of application.  Siblings include a brother or sister who share the same parents; a half-brother, half-sister or legally adopted child living at the same address; a child looked after by a local authority placed in a foster family with other school age children; a stepchild or children who are not related but live as a family unit, where parents both live at the same address as the child.
  3. The distance from the child’s permanent home address to the school. Priority will be given to the child living nearest the school.  Distances are measured using the post office address point of the home to the post office address point of the main school gate and using Northamptonshire’s computerised distance measuring software.

Where a child lives normally during the school week with more than one parent at different addresses, the permanent home address for the purposes of school admissions will be the one where the child spends the majority of school nights Monday–Friday.


If the distance criterion is not sufficient to distinguish between two or more applicants for the last remaining place then random allocation will be used.

This process will be supervised by somebody independent of the school.

Multiple Births

In the case of twins or other multiple births, where there is only one place available in the school, both will be considered together as one application.

The school will be allowed to go above its admission number by one.

Fraudulent or Misleading Applications

As an admission authority we have the right to investigate any concerns we may have about your application and to withdraw the offer of a place if we consider there is evidence that you have made a fraudulent claim or provided misleading information, for example a false address was given which denied a place to a child with a stronger claim.

We reserve the right to check any address and other information provided so we can apply the oversubscription criteria accurately and fairly.

Fair Access Protocol

Local Authorities are required to have Fair Access Protocols in order to make sure that unplaced, vulnerable children are offered a place at a suitable school as quickly as possible.

The school will comply with Northamptonshire’s Fair Access Protocol.  This may mean admitting children above the PAN.

Admission of Children outside their Normal Age Group

Parents may seek a place for their child outside of their normal age group, for example, if the child is gifted and talented or has experienced problems such as ill health. 

It is important for parents to note that they will have responsibility for providing evidence to support their request.

If parents wish for their child to be considered for admission to a year group which is outside their normal age group, then they must:

  1. a) Complete the LA common application form or the in-year admission form, as appropriate
  2. b) Attach a letter outlining reasons for the request and all supporting letters and/or documentary evidence in support of the application.

FALCONER’S HILL ACADEMY will make decisions on the basis of the circumstances of each case and in the best interests of the child concerned.

This will include taking account of:

  • the parent’s views;
  • any available information about the child’s academic, social and emotional development;
  • where relevant, their medical history and the views of a medical professional;
  • whether they have previously been educated out of their normal age group;
  • any evidence that the child may naturally have fallen into a lower age group if it were not for being born prematurely;
  • the views of the headteacher.
  • In-year and Casual admissions

These are coordinated by Northamptonshire and details of how to apply can be found here

Waiting List

Any child refused a place at the school will automatically be put on the waiting list unless a higher preference school has been offered. 

A waiting list will be maintained until the end of the academic year after which it will be cleared.  If you would like your child to be placed on the waiting list for the following academic year please contact the school.

The waiting list is maintained in the order of the oversubscription criteria. This means that names can move down the list if, e.g. someone moves into the area and is higher placed under the oversubscription criteria.


The parents of any child refused a place at the school have a right to appeal to an independent appeal panel. 

The decision of the independent appeal panel is binding on all parties.

Any appeals are dealt with by the Local Authority. To go the website for further information, please click here.

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