The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Falconer's Hill Academy

Falconer's Hill Academy is a co-educational school catering for children between ages 7 & 11.

Parent Information

Falconer's Hill Academy is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people. Providing a safe environment for all our students, staff and visitors is at the upmost importance to us.

Our Safeguarding Team


My Family Coach

We use My Family Coach to help our parents and carers understand their children’s behaviour. My Family Coach is a free website written by behaviour experts with 20 years’ experience working with over 5,000 schools. My Family Coach will support you through the tough times, inspire you with new ideas, and share practical tips to make parenting that little bit easier.

Visit the My Family Coach website

Safeguarding Information

General Information 

Fire and  Emergency Evacuation: If the fire alarm sounds, please leave the building immediately by the nearest fire exit and assemble on the school playground. 
First Aid: Please ask at reception if you need assistance.
Accidents and Incidents:  Please report these to reception
Access to the Internet: All users of the school systems and Wi-Fi must comply with the school’s ICT policy. Please ask for details.
Visitors’ Toilets: These are located by the school office just off the gallery.
Parking and Disabled Access: Limited parking is available in our car park. Please park with consideration


Disclosure by a child 

If a student discloses information about significant harm you should:

  • Listen
  • Tell the student that you need to tell someone else, you cannot promise confidentiality.
  • Make accurate notes of what has been said by the student and pass this immediately to the Designated Safeguarding Lead via our electronic reporting system - Safeguard.

It is not your responsibility to investigate but to report to the designated safeguarding lead.


Safeguarding Children

As a visitor to our school, either as a contractor, volunteer, supply teacher or someone that has come to work with our children in any capacity, it is important that you are aware of our safeguarding procedures.

  • Please refer to the back page of this leaflet for contact details of our child protection team. Alternatively, please contact reception who can locate them for you. 
  • If there is any reason to suspect that a student has suffered from bullying or discrimination, or is likely to suffer significant harm, you must inform the designated safeguarding lead immediately. Our staff will follow the   procedures according to the school’s safeguarding  policy.

Keeping Everyone Safe 

We hope that you have an enjoyable visit to Falconer’s Hill Academy. Our main priority is to ensure that everyone who visits is aware of their responsibilities towards making sure all young people are safe. As a visitor remember the following:

  • If you are working in a 1:1 situation with a student, we must have    confirmation that all the necessary safeguarding checks have been carried out including an enhanced DBS check.
  • You must not have any physical contact with any student.
  • You must never exchange contact details with a student or arrange to meet them outside of the school environment.
  • The use of cameras and taking photographs is not permitted unless prior permission has been sought.

DSL Concerns

Dear parents and carers we think it is important that you and your children can contact us if you have any concerns. It may be that you just want to discuss with someone how you are coping at this time. We have set up a couple of email addresses that you can use to contact us, one for children and one for adults. is an email address that children can use to contact us if they need someone to talk. This stands for Time To Talk. is an email address that parents and carers can use to contact our Designated Safeguarding Leads if they have any safeguarding needs or concerns. We will email you back or give you a call.

Childline - 0800 1111

Internet safety  - A collaboration between Parent Zone and NCA-CEOP, providing support and guidance for parents from leading experts and organisations  - Your guide to social networks, apps and games

 Online Safety Leaflets




Brighten_Someones Day_online.pdf















































Key information

Our performance against other schools can be found via the Department for Education’s School Performance Table.

KS2 Performance Data 

 2023-2024 SATS Outcome

Number of children achieving the Expected Standard

  • Reading  40/58   69%
  • Writing  44/58  76%
  • Maths  30/58  53%
  • GPS  32/58  55%
  • Combined (Reading, Writing and Maths)  29/58  50%

Number of children achieving at Greater Depth

  • Reading   5/58  9%
  • Writing  7/58  12%
  • Maths  3/58  5%
  • GPS  5/58  9%
  • Combined (Reading, Writing and Maths)  0%

Our performance against other schools can be found via the Search for schools, colleges and multi-academy-trusts - Compare school and college performance data in England - GOV.UK (

Performance Tables


 Key Stage 2 data is in the progress of being updated.



Our latest Ofsted report can be found here.

 Term Dates

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