Special educational needs and disability (SEND)
Full details regarding our SEND Information can be found by downloading our information report and policy at the bottom of this page.
All the staff at Falconer’s Hill are trained to look out for any special needs for the children in their care and to support them through ‘Quality First’ teaching.
Lots of thought, planning and preparation goes into using our support staff to ensure children achieve the best academic outcomes, gain independence and are prepared for learning in the future from the earliest possible age.
Teaching Assistants are used in the classrooms where support is most needed. They also carry out 1:1 and small group interventions as well as supporting in class.
If you have a question or need a solution to any issue or problem regarding your child, we request that you contact Mrs Young, the SENDCo or Mrs Rock, the Headteacher, who will arrange to meet you as soon as possible .
If, after speaking to them, you feel that they have not sorted out your query or complaint to your satisfaction, then please follow the DRET complaints procedure.
This year we have had no complaints.
West Northamptonshire Council - Local offer and link
SEND support services in West Northamptonshire
There are many different services available in West Northamptonshire where you can access support and advice if you have identified a child with SEND.
Contact Info
SEND Co-ordinator: Mrs L Young
Telephone: 01327 703132